
Videography – Me?

This was probably the sleeper of 2019, when I was able to earn my certification as a Camtasia Videographer. Having always considered myself somewhere between somewhat and slightly technically-challenged, what a surprise to complete the program. Of course, it was only the beginning. Now the real work begins to continue growing and learning how to edit and create great videos. But it has been fun and more helpful than I could have imagined. Instead of having to hire someone to create my training videos, I can do them myself. Love it!

Volunteering . . .

. . . Has always been near and dear to my heart. My most enjoyable volunteer work has been as an ID Coach at Gateway Church. There, I get a chance to do several things that I love; coaching, helping people increase their awareness of their strengths, and watching them develop their own personal mission statement for life. It’s been a great experience.

Following the passing of my sweet Courtney . . .

. . . I felt impressed to spend some time as a Hospice volunteer, which I believe helped me deal with my own grief. I met some pretty wonderful people, who were dealing with their life and death situations very bravely. When we give our time to others, it seems to promote our own healing.

Sometimes though …

. . . Volunteering is just plain fun, like when I work with the Fort Worth Independent School District. Always a great group of volunteers, and a lot of fun, laughter, and comraderie!

Learning to Use Emotions Intelligently, by Diana D. Williams

(The Interactive Workshop created from the book).

This book was published in 2017, in response to my new knowledge about emotions. I was surprised and amazed that what many of us have always thought about emotions being worthless and bothersome, was incorrect.

Emotions are great assets when used correctly. They can actually assist us in making better decisions, improving performance and behavior, and building healthier relationships. And it all begins with recognition and awareness.

Learning to Overcome Obstacles with Life Coaching, by Diana D. Williams

Coaching is one of the most powerful help tools in our society today. What I personally love about coaching is that the relationship between the coach and coachee is that of partners, and not that of expert and trainee. The coach succeeds only when the coachee succeeds in accomplishing his or her goal for the session.

The coach does not give answers to the coachee, but assists the coachee in discovering his own answers through the process of skilled inquiry. As the coachee becomes increasingly aware of his own ability to manage his situations and find his own answers, he is independent and no longer needs the coach. The goal of coaching is the independence of the coachee.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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